Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Hi. My name is Cheryll. I chose this class because I felt like it might be interesting and of course, because I need it. I love to write, I have been since I was 13 years old. Though, by now - I would have thought that I'd be a little better at it, I learn new things everyday. I think that is what is most important. 

Anyway, this is my first Creative Writing class, more than likely not my last - seeing as how my major is Writing and Literature. I enjoy writing very, very much - it's an outlet for me. It allows me to be myself and express my emotions creatively. I love poetry and try to write on a daily basis - it's just something that has always come naturally to me. 
Hello. :3

Welcome to my Creative Non-Fiction blog. Here I will be sharing my stories, thoughts and assignments. I hope you'll enjoy them and maybe offer creative, constructive criticism. 

Thank you~